(2 Ratings)

Disability Inclusion Course

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About Course

Disability inclusion course is public tailored for people working the public and private institutions

to  insure the disability inclusion in their serve and responsibilities. in this course you will learn


What Will You Learn?

  • 1- what is disability
  • 2 - Disability People Rights
  • 3- Mainstreaming Disability
  • 4- advocacy and awareness for the PWD rights
  • 5 - active role in the disability inclusion

Course Content

Disability Inclusion Course

Setting Up Your Diet

Adjusting Your Diet For Weigh Loss & Muscle Gains

Common Dieting Trends Explained

Dieting Tips & Strategies

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 2 Ratings
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5 years ago
Very deep course for a beginner, enjoyed everything from the very start and every detail is vastly investigated and discussed. A nice choice for those, who are enrolling Python. However, I need Python for TDD and creating automated tests, and as far as they are in the separate course, it could be nice to give some examples for this sphere if possible. Anyway, very cool! Thank you, Jose
5 years ago
Great clarity in explanations and thoroughly enjoyed the course. I had been working out for quite a while, but a few little things we might miss out from a diet perspective are covered well in detail here.
Especially loved how you structured the entire focus area of dieting into most important ones to lesser ones.